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Bunion on Top of Foot: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Bunion on top of foot can give rise to agony and unease. Within this article, we shall examine the etiology, symptoms, and therapeutics concerning bunions atop the foot.

What is Bunion on Top of Foot?

A bunion is an osseous protuberance that takes shape upon the articulation of the base of the hallux. Nevertheless, bunions may also occur upon the articulation of the base of the fifth toe, commonly known as a tailor’s bunion or bunionette. Bunions atop the foot occur once an osseous protrusion arises on top of the foot, situated superiorly to either the hallux or fifth toe articulation.

Bunion on Top of Foot | can bunions cause pain on top of foot | bunion on top of big toe | pain on top of foot after bunion surgery

Bunion on Top of Foot

Causes of Bunion on Top of Foot

The occurrence of bunions atop the foot is generally caused by the application of pressure and rubbing on the foot. The source of such pressure may arise from inadequately fitting shoes, high heels, or shoes that are too snug. Gradually, this pressure can lead to the alteration of the foot’s bones, culminating in the development of a bunion.

Symptoms of Bunion on Top of Foot

A common symptom of a bunion atop the foot is a visible protuberance located superiorly to either the hallux or fifth toe articulation. Additional symptoms may include:

Treatment Options for Bunion on Top of Foot

Several therapeutic choices are available for bunions atop the foot, such as:

Can Bunions Cause Pain on Top of Foot?

Bunions, an all-too-common foot issue, can be a real pain, quite literally, causing discomfort, inflammation, and even bony bumps that can form on either the joint at the base of the big toe or the little toe. Surprisingly, though, it’s the former that can cause the greatest trouble, as the pressure and friction caused by the bunion can easily shift the delicate bones in your foot, leading to aches and twinges on top of your foot that just won’t go away. If you’re one of the unlucky ones dealing with this frustrating ailment, it’s essential to seek professional help in order to explore the range of treatment options available to you.

Pain on Top of Foot after Bunion Surgery

It is common to experience some pain on top of the foot after bunion surgery. Bunion surgery involves the removal of the bony bump on the joint at the base of the big toe or the little toe, and sometimes the realignment of the bones in the foot. During the recovery period, it is normal to experience some discomfort, swelling, and pain in the affected area.

However, if the pain on top of the foot is severe or does not improve over time, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. This could indicate a complication or infection in the affected area, which may require additional treatment.

To manage pain on top of the foot after bunion surgery, your healthcare provider may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the foot. They may also recommend physical therapy exercises to help improve range of motion and strengthen the foot and ankle muscles.

Overall, while some pain on top of the foot is normal after bunion surgery, it is important to closely follow the post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider and seek medical attention if you experience any concerning symptoms or complications.


Bunion on Top of Foot can instigate pain and discomfort. However, various therapeutics are available. By wearing correctly fitting shoes, utilizing padding or shoe inserts, ingesting painkillers, and resorting to physical therapy or surgery if necessary, one may diminish pain and enhance foot well-being. If you suspect that you are experiencing a bunion atop the foot, consult with a healthcare professional to determine the optimal course of treatment tailored to your specific needs.

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