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✅Why Do People Get Bunions?

Why Do People Get Bunions?

After weeks of discomfort, self-examination and image searches, you’re pretty certain you have the early signs of a bunion. You’ve heard of this happening to your father and even your grandmother, so you’re familiar with the tales of distress and embarrassment over the foot ache, but you’re not a dancer or a runner!

And you don’t wear uncomfortable shoes, nor do you have type 2 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, so why do you have a bunion?

During your consult at Bunion Surgery Center of Excellence, Dr. Jamshidinia and his team can help determine the cause of your bunion by using your current lifestyle and medical history as tools to discover the most likely source of your irritated foot. To schedule your initial consultation with one of the best bunion doctors in Los Angeles, contact us today at (888) 552-9732.

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Why Do People Get Bunions?

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Here’s What We Know About Bunions:

Do men get bunions?

As the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society report, women are 9 times more likely than men to have bunions throughout their life. In fact, more than half of American women have bunions—a startling amount!

How do people get bunions?

Medical Daily reports the newly released Framingham Foot study that challenges the myth that high heeled or other uncomfortable shoes are the culprit of this bunion epidemic and instead ask patients to take a look at their genes!

That’s right – the cause of your bunion is more closely tied to your family history than the shoes you wear! Though here at Bunion Surgery Center of Excellence we recommend once you have a bunion wearing comfortable shoes is an important step and lifestyle choice for recovery, though restricting shoes may not be the sole cause.

What researchers found was that certain foot shapes, as determine by genetics, were predisposed to developing bunions—so you may have your father’s eyes and your grandmother’s foot ailments! After examining 1370 patients, the study also found that people of European descent have a greater chance inheriting this bunion gene.

Wearing comfortable shoes is vital for long-term foot health, but hereditary traits may have you predisposed to bunions.

Recommended Shoes:

Other Causes of Bunions

Women are also more prone to bunions due to increased amounts of the female hormone estrogen, which can cause foot ligaments to loosen and lead to the formation of bunions. Adults with a higher body mass index are at risk for foot disorders, as increased weight places extra pressure on the feet.

For more helpful information, be sure to check out the bunion causes page on our website!

Family History of Bunions or Experiencing Foot Pain?

If you have foot pain and a family history, you may be experiencing a bunion.  Be sure to take a look at your feet and be aware of the first signs and make an appointment sooner rather than later.

Dr. Jamshidinia and his team provide surgical procedures for more severe cases, as well as non-surgical alternatives like medication or special footwear.

Contact us today at (888) 552-9732 to make an appointment at the Bunion Surgery Center of Excellence and find out what method is best for you to relieve the pain and get on living a healthy lifestyle.

Next, check out our bunion before and after gallery.

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