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Tailor’s Bunion Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide

If you suffer from tailor’s bunions, also known as bunionettes, you know the pain and discomfort they can cause. These small bony protrusions can make it difficult to find comfortable shoes and even interfere with your daily activities. Fortunately, there are tailor’s bunion exercises that can help alleviate pain and prevent future issues.

What are Tailor’s Bunions?

Tailor’s bunions are bony bumps that form on the outside of the foot, near the fifth toe. They get their name because tailors in the past used to sit cross-legged and put pressure on that area of their feet. Over time, this pressure caused a bony bump to form.

Tailor’s bunions can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, wearing ill-fitting shoes, and having a foot that pronates (rolls inward) excessively. Symptoms of tailor’s bunions include pain, swelling, redness, and difficulty finding shoes that fit comfortably.

Tailor's Bunion Exercises | exercises for tailor's bunion | tailor's bunion massage | how to fix a tailor's bunion

exercises for tailor’s bunion

Why Do Tailor’s Bunion Exercises Help?

Tailor’s bunion exercises can help alleviate pain and prevent future issues by strengthening the muscles in the feet and toes. When these muscles are strong, they can better support the bones and joints, reducing the pressure on the bunionette.

In addition, tailor’s bunion exercises can improve flexibility in the feet and toes, which can help prevent future injuries and issues.

Tailor’s Bunion Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide

Below are some tailor’s bunion exercises that can help alleviate pain and prevent future issues. As with any exercise program, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning.

Toe Adductor Stretch

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Loop a resistance band around the inside of your foot, just behind your big toe. Hold the ends of the band in each hand.

Slowly move your foot toward your body, stretching the band. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then release. Repeat for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Toe Flexor Strengthening

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Place a towel on the floor in front of you.

Using your toes, scrunch the towel toward you, then release. Repeat for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Toe Extensor Strengthening

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Place a small towel or washcloth on the floor in front of you.

Using your toes, grip the towel and lift it off the ground, then release. Repeat for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Foot Roll

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Place a tennis ball under your foot.

Roll the ball back and forth under your foot for 2-3 minutes. Repeat with the other foot.

Get rid of foot pain - Tailor's Bunion


In Conclusion

Tailor’s bunion exercises can help alleviate pain and prevent future issues. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can strengthen the muscles in your feet and toes, improve flexibility, and reduce the pressure on the bunionette.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any exercise program, especially if you have a pre-existing condition.

If you found these tailor’s bunion exercises helpful, please share this article with anyone who could benefit from them. Don’t forget to leave a comment below and let us know how these exercises worked for you. Your feedback could help others in their journey towards better foot health!

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